Hi! I'm Amy
I've been a life coach since 2017, helping people learn about and understand life, work, and themselves. I'm a professional best friend. :)
I became a coach because I believe every person should have the opportunity to learn about and understand themselves beyond diagnosis or labels. We all have remarkable and valuable things to offer the world. We are all capable of so much more than we let ourselves see! Through coaching we learn about the things that limit our personal and professional potential, and we understand the things that make our lives worth living. I believe I'm a great coach because I am right here with you- doing the work too.
​I value awareness, learning, and practice.
Awareness, learning, and practice have helped me look at my life in a way that opens and lets me breathe, it gives me time to slow down, see what's actually happening, and respond accordingly instead of habitually.
I quit drinking over 11 years ago, and my unconventional recovery opened a world I'd only imagined. I woke up on December 7, 2012 and saw what my future was going to be like if I didn't stop drinking. It was heartbreaking. That day I realized I had one life, and I could keep going as I was or I could learn how to live differently. I quit that day, and I have never gone back.
​I chose learning.
That day was the start of me turning towards myself, towards my life. It was, for me, a miracle. A second chance at my one life. I have worked diligently ever since to learn about myself and understand how I work. I have learned how to support this person that is me, to get to know her and love her. I am more vulnerable, connected, and myself.
I live by the "oxygen mask goes on me first" instruction. I remember myself first so that I can show up for myself, my family, my clients and community. When I feel loved and cared for by me I can give the gift of myself more freely. I have the energy to be engaged and connected, and in harmony with my life and my work.
Me personally
I have two teenage sons, I have two cats, and I live in Durham, NC. I like creative solutions, original ideas, and challenging perspectives. I am not afraid to be outside the box. My husband and I separated two weeks before the pandemic started (talk about timing!) and have lived separately since- we made our marriage a business arrangement and kept our close friendship. This has been such a great support for our family. Instead of being resentful, we got creative. One of my greatest strengths is being willing to explore change and having the courage to live according to my own values rather than bending to the will of societal pressures or the status quo. That includes thoughtful communication and maturity.
I have been in weekly therapy for the past eight years, and have just started going every other week. I work hard on my own life so I can be the best coach I can be. I know how hard it can be to dedicate yourself to doing the work, what it feels like to be the vulnerable person showing up to learn how to live better and be more alive. Having a trusted confidant and a solid support system has changed my life for the much much better!
I have been a runner since my early 30's (I'm in my early 50's now). I had a full right hip replacement in June 2022 and it has been hard to shift that identity. Going through that shift, coupled with getting sober and years of recovery, has given me the tools and wisdom to help others work their way through their own life changes.
Reading and books are my favorite. I love reading about human behavior, learning new ideas, and trying things out. I am a writer, and feel like when we share our ideas, stories, and thoughts we help ourselves and others.
I blog on this website and also write Soberbia on Substack.
I hope we get to work together!​
I believe we're at the beginning of a new era in mental health, and that the complexity is something to be appreciated and explored, not avoided. Coaching is an important part of mental health. I feel grateful every single day that I decided to be a life coach. Helping people take action to know themselves, trust themselves, and understand that their lives are important is an honor. Doing the work of listening to someone and helping them hear their own voice and find love and trust for themselves is a joy to me.
People who work with me benefit from my ability to hold attentive, creative, and dynamic conversations and ask thought provoking questions. My style of coaching is direct, warm, and supportive. I like to collaborate with my clients and encourage them to experiment to find the ideas that work for them. I'm great at finding helpful resources, developing practices, and accountability.
Together we find and listen to your true inner voice, the voice beyond the self-criticism and self-judgment.
The voice that is truly you.